The Mission of RightNow Media
Introducing RightNow Media: A Resource for Your Family
by David C. Mauldin
The staff of PCPC is excited to put a powerful resource into your hands. RightNow Media is a video streaming service. It is something like Netflix but with two crucial differences. First, the content is entirely Christian. The videos are geared primarily toward learning and growth, not entertainment. There are resources for families and children, and some of the children’s programs are Bible stories and that sort of thing. However, the content for adults is for devotional use, Bible study, and learning. Second, you do not pay a subscription fee. The church does, then we offer it free to you.
How might you use RightNow Media? You could use it to learn more about a book of the Bible or an issue like parenting or marriage. You could use it with friends in a small group setting. Our church will be using it for classes and LifeGroups. In fact, we have a LifeGroup in May, led by Rob and Kim Johnson, that will use a video series from RightNow Media. This summer, Sherrey Pridmore, our children’s director, will suggest a weekly devotional on RightNow that families can do together. Even if you are traveling, you can participate.
We see this as a tool for discipleship and growth. The staff is training to make the most of the features RightNow offers, such as posting our own classes on it for our church family.
Like any tool, it is not perfect. It is broadly evangelical. You will not find teachings that are outside the evangelical mainstream, but there are over 25,000 videos, so you might encounter something that is not strictly within the bounds of our Essential Tenets. For example, you may find a pastor advocating believer’s baptism as opposed to infant baptism. Another example is the variety of views you will find on the end times; our Essential Tenets allow for some diversity on that point. Nevertheless, your staff is confident that the content is solid and biblical. If you encounter a concern, let us know. We can tailor the content available to our church family, though we cannot preview all 25,000 videos!
When the church uses videos in, for example, a class or LifeGroup, the series will have been approved by our staff. We will also be making recommendations for different series we think you will find rewarding.
Your first step is to sign up for a RightNow account. You can do this by clicking the SIGNUP button below. After you are registered, you can use RightNow Media from the internet or download the app for easier access.
I hope you will sign up and check out the resources. We think this is going to be a powerful tool for spiritual growth within our church. Parents especially, don’t miss the good stuff here for your children.
RightNow Media SIGNUP