Scroll down for special events and ongoing activities.
Scroll down for special events and ongoing activities.
Easter Lilies for Sale
Now through Monday, April 7
PCPC is offering Easter lilies in honor or memory of your loved one(s). The plants will be displayed at church on Easter Sunday and may be picked up after each service that day. The lilies cost $15 per plant. Please contact the office at 772-286-9958 with any questions.
To order and pay online, please click the image.
To pay by cash or check, please submit your order and payment to the church office. Paper order forms are available in the office.
Presbytery of FL Spring Gathering
March 28-29 at PCPC
You're invited to the ECO Presbytery of Florida's Spring Gathering! Join us for worship, hear from guest speaker Kristen McWilliams, and be encouraged through fellowship. The conference theme is Growing and Flourishing Together.
On Friday, registration begins at 6:00 p.m., followed by a traditional worship service in the sanctuary. On Saturday, the event will run from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Click the image for more information and registration.
Hymns From Our Family to Yours
Concert by the Huff Family
Sunday, April 13 @ 4:00 p.m.
Join us for a special concert to begin Holy Week. Hymns From Our Family to Yours will be performed by Robb and Robyn Huff, along with their three children. This talented family will bring audience members a joyful mix of vocal and instrumental solos and duets, including well-known hymns. The concert will be held in our sanctuary on Palm Sunday.
Maundy Thursday Service
Thursday, April 17 @ 7:00 p.m. in the HFLC
Join us for worship as we commemorate Jesus' last supper with his disciples during the week leading up to his death and resurrection. This contemporary service will offer Communion. Childcare will be provided for ages 4 and under.
Good Friday Cantata Service
Friday, April 18 @ 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary
You're invited to a special worship service on Good Friday featuring Tenebrae: A Service of Shadows, a deeply symbolic cantata by Heather Sorenson. The concert will be performed by PCPC's Chancel Choir in conjunction with the Hobe Sound Community Presbyterian Church Choir. This service is designed to lead attendees through the final hours of Christ's life on earth. Based on the ancient Tenebrae, the gradual extinguishing of candles produces increased shadows and ultimately darkness by the end of the service, symbolizing Christ's death. Childcare will be offered for ages 4 and under.
Liturgists Lunch
Sunday, April 27 @ 12:15 p.m.
Are you currently a liturgist or think you might enjoy serving in this role? If so, please join us for lunch and fellowship on Sunday, April 27, in Langill Hall. We will take the opportunity to thank our liturgists, share insights about the role, and encourage other members to serve in this way. Please click the image to RSVP and make your lunch selection.
Piano Concert
Sunday, May 18 @ 4:00 p.m.
Dancing Fingers on the Keyboard: Join us for an afternoon of enchanting music with Canadian pianist Dr. Rosalyn Soo Mauldin. From historical classical genres to the stylistic melodies of folk, ragtime, ballroom, and movie favorites, this concert offers a diverse range of musical gems that will captivate every listener. This concert will take place in the sanctuary.
Vacation Bible School 2025
June 2-6 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Join us on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they'll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what's true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS shows them that He is a faithful friend we can always trust. He is our True North! This fun-filled week includes music, crafts, games, relevant Bible lessons, snacks, and more. Invite friends and come along on this impactful adventure!
The cost is $35 per child. All materials, t-shirt, and daily snacks are included in the registration. Click the image to sign up!
Click HERE to volunteer!
Youth Summer Camp
June 15-21 @ The Coast: Register by May 16!
Youth, ages 12-18, are invited to join us for an impactful overnight camp at Word of Life's The Coast Summer Camp in Hudson, FL. Campers will experience high energy activities, form lifelong friendships, and make defining decisions about their faith as they spend their days worshipping, studying biblical truths, and having a ton of fun in the Florida sun!
Spots are limited and on a first come first serve basis. Registration MUST be received by May 16th. Interested? Please contact Director of NextGen Ministry, Jessica Waltersdorff (jessica@palmcitypres.org).