God’s purpose in creation was to make a people for himself. He establishes this relationship through covenants. A covenant is a relationship based on promises. The first covenant was a covenant of works: obey and live. The next covenant was a covenant of grace, which unfolds in several covenants God makes throughout scripture. This series will show the unity of the Bible, how God deals with us, and how we can be in relationship with him.
January 5: Genesis 2:15-17 "Covenant of Works: Adam & Eve"
January 12: Genesis 9:8-17 "Covenant of Grace: Noah"
January 19: Genesis 15:1-6 "Covenant of Grace: Abraham"
January 26: Exodus 24:3-11 "Covenant of Grace: Israel at Mt. Sinai"
February 2: Psalm 89:20-37 "Covenant of Grace: David"
February 9: Jeremiah 31:31-34 "A New Covenant"